Saturday, April 27, 2024
Get out your synth pad, tease out your hair, the 80s are back! Well, they never really left, did they? Only a fool would try and deny the joys of artists such as Prince, Duran Duran, and hey, even...
Fearless 17-year-old rocker Viia has released her debut single titled ‘Falling’ and it needs your ears. Viia - Falling Diamonds aren’t a real girl's best friend, ‘Falling’ is. Viia's debut single is a dark-pop anthem that truly embodies the feeling of...
During the tail-end of a pandemic, as well as Mental Health Awareness month, it’s worth sitting down and giving a thought to self-care. Whether it’s social or solo activities, doing little things for oneself can make a surprisingly big...
‘Nothing2’ begins with a classic singer-songwriter guitar strum, and some jangling piano. You might be forgiven for expecting a mellow, 1970s influenced ballad. But as the song builds with uncomfortable intensity, and ends in a majestically unhinged finale, it...
Everyone loves a good villain. We might boo and hiss at them, but we also know that they get the best outfits and songs. There’s something so vicariously satisfying about watching someone revel in evil, and it’s this gleeful...
With a title like ‘Dark Room’, one might expect this track to be all angst and crushing loneliness, a sobbing figure buried under bedclothes. But Arulei instead chooses to touch on the lighter side of darkness - the peace...
‘House Red’ begins with glitching synths, like some futuristic record skipping. Jagged piano chords flicker in and out, and Phillinois’ gravelly vocals muse flippantly over his ‘melancholy...sweet like honeydew’. Whatever house the title refers to, we’re inside it now,...
‘Tonight, I’m feeling brave’, croons Alys on her new single ‘Stalker’. I must admit I blinked a little at that title, but Alys manages to pull it off. Not everyone would have the shameless confidence to label themselves a...
I’ve already talked about Saint Idiot, and my admiration of his deconstructed approach to songwriting, if you want to catch up here. There’s a lot to take in, but to summarise, it’s melodic, it’s challenging, it takes on some...
Didn’t 2020 feel like a dream? Or a nightmare, for some. As in dreams, time took on a strange elastic quality, a week could feel like a month, or a minute. As our worlds shrank to a mile radius...
It’s rare to find true individuality in the industry today, but the trio from London has it in droves. Forming in unison through a shared spiritual vision, Krsnafari wanted to create music together that left a lasting and meaningful...
Josin’s latest single ‘The Darkness’ explores an inner struggle of the human condition, a numbness that can be interpreted both internally and on mass. Arrabella Rauch, the artist behind Josin, has become known for her ability to leave her...