Friday, April 26, 2024
Love has always provided the bulk of inspiration for songwriters. In more recent years, it feels like the trends have focused on the darker side of love - toxic relationships, dark sexuality, devastating breakups. It can be easy to...
‘Company’ is the twinkle of fairy lights in a dark room, it’s the sound of your own breathing, it’s the inch of space between your hand and his. In the year of a pandemic characterised by loneliness and isolation...
At some point, most of us will have to start afresh. To leave somewhere comforting and safe for all the risks and rewards of the unknown. It’s perhaps something we associate with youth, but you take a chance at...
When I first listened to ‘Bandana’, I thought, ‘Oh, this is a flashback’. There’s something in the adolescently confused lyrics and retro touches that made me feel like I was watching someone else’s memory. And as the song’s lyrics...
The ominous sound of a tick-tock - a clock? A bomb? - starts off Emma Dark’s ‘The Spider and The Fly’. It’s quickly followed by an electric guitar rolling out steady 5ths. This is some instant tension building, exacerbated...
Originating from Sweden, flyckt is a uniquely modern artist who expertly blends effortless and exceedingly good pop melodies with soaring, emotive and utterly euphoric production. Having grown up surrounded by many creatives in his family, it feels only natural that...
Recorded in his home in London, Adam Simpson has released his fourth single 'Ground Zer0' which explores the deep struggles of lockdown. ‘Ground Zer0’ focuses its lyricism on the hardships of the past year, a year which has had severe...
The stars are surely enchanting, but it’s what we do right here on this rocky sphere fluctuating in the universe that really matters. Let us seize the moment and love as much as we possibly can! That is the...
A truthful assessment of music promotion. The reality is simple. Your success starts and ends with you. Because at the end of the day nobody cares about your music as much as you.  So if you don’t make the...
"I wish I was somewhere", muses QUIETLOVE on his debut release, ‘The Dream’. It’s an apt emotional thesis for the strange, timeless purgatory our world has become in the pandemic. Days blur into each other, our social skills become...
New band Vex Message formed with the intention of creating music that questions modern-day predicaments through their blend of electronic synthesis and post-punk sensibilities. Derek Meins, the Famous Poet, and The Agitator are the key names behind the band,...
Mornings Here make a genre of songwriting I truly enjoy; the kinds of songs where, if you don’t listen too closely to the lyrics, appear to be tuneful upbeat numbers, but when you actually Google the lyrics they turn...