Home Features ‘Boys Get Sad Too’ Fashion Inspiring Conversation

‘Boys Get Sad Too’ Fashion Inspiring Conversation

Boys Get Sad Too Right Chord Music Blog

Boys Get Sad Too is a streetwear fashion label that is on a mission to get people talking by wearing its heart on its sleeve.

Boys Get Sad Too

Boys Get Sad Too‘ was founded in 2018 by Kyle Stranger and was inspired by a four-word doodle on his therapy notepad. This simple, yet emotive phase takes on hugely powerful significance when you realise the disturbing reality that 84 men take their lives every week in the UK. Sadly the subject of male mental health is still overlooked or swept under the carpet.

Mental Health & Music

As a blog that champions incredible new music, we immediately felt a kinship with Boys Get Sad Too. Here at Right Chord Music, we get sent so many submissions from artists who write songs about mental health not only to raise awareness of the problem for others but also as a way of making sense of their own struggles. It feels like there is a huge opportunity for music and fashion to come together here to get more people talking. Here is a playlist featuring a selection of music from the Right Chord Music archives that is written about the subject of mental health.

How It All Started

From humble beginnings Boys Get Sad Too started with no funding, just a desire to make a difference by highlighting the issue through conversation-provoking designs. They soon caught the attention with features in the Metro, MyLondon, Evening Standard, and even a  mention from London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

“Sometimes it feels like you’re alone. Boys Get Sad Too is here to show you that you’re not.”
Last November this direct-to-consumer online label became a physical business with a pop-up shop in Soho in partnership with Maxwell Fine Studio.  The shop attracted visitors from all over the country and it was then, that they understood just how many people had connected with the Boys Get Sad Too brand and message.
Boys Get Sad Too Right Chord Music Feature
While the label continues to grow, the core values have remained the same. When you wear Boys Get Sad too, you are choosing to open up the conversation around male mental health by acknowledging that mental illness can affect anyone and everyone. It’s a reminder that no one is alone in this.
Boys Get Sad Too is more than a clothing brand, it’s rapidly becoming a community of like-minded people who want to see a positive change in the World. As an official supporter of CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably) they donate 10% of their profits and actively work to raise awareness of the struggle men face.

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Words Mark Knight