Vex Message launch with Data Regime a thought provoking exploration into digital surveillance

New band Vex Message formed with the intention of creating music that questions modern-day predicaments through their blend of electronic synthesis and post-punk sensibilities. Derek Meins, the Famous Poet, and The Agitator are the key names behind the band, plus talented multi-instrumentalists Mark Hope and Sam Kirkham.

Vex Message – Data Regime

Vex Message’s debut single, Data Regime, launches a thought-provoking exploration into the intrusive and omnipresent nature of digital surveillance. This dystopian track punches out a bold energy. It’s accompanied by intriguing, introspective lyrics, and a music video that will undoubtedly have you entranced.

In reflection of their track and its dystopian message, Vex Message write:

“Every one of us will feature in Bulk Personal Datasets which record who we are, where we go, who we know and what we do. Every aspect of our lives is being collected, monitored and used… by the Data Regime. But, you know that, right? Carry on clicking, happy shopper.”

The past year has seen the band record their debut album, which is scheduled to be released in summer 2021. The soundscape of the album seeks to combine the band’s electronic experimentalist influences with the brassy celerity of post-punk icons.

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Words Rachel Makinson