Home New Music Sivilian Questions Was It ‘Best Before’

Sivilian Questions Was It ‘Best Before’

Sivilian Best Before - Right Chord Music Blog

Always searching to tell stories in new and fascinating ways, multidisciplinary artist Sivilian is back with his first offering of the year ‘Best Before’, an indie pop piece about cherishing the times when things were simpler.

Sivilian – Best Before

Aside from being an up-and-coming musician, Sivilian is also a photographer and filmmaker with a knack for storytelling. Such an unquestionable love for art has taken him to combine his visual work with his music, resulting in an absorbing sound with remarkable lyrical content, depicting human emotions in a sensitive and detailed way.

Such is the case for his song ‘Best Before’, a track that will take you down memory lane:

I wrote “Best Before” after quitting my career in the advertising industry and moving back to my parent’s place to write new music. Reflecting on my youth and the time spent in my old childhood bedroom, I wrote about the moment of growing up in my usual humorous way. Among other things, it’s about the first pinch in your back when getting up or about the moment of happiness when you still get asked for your ID card while shopping.” – said the artist about his creation.

Even though this is not necessarily the most cheerful song lyrically speaking, the production is a different story, combining an upbeat, lively, and irresistible melody, with an infectious rhythm and Sivilian’s charming vocals which serve to communicate nostalgia through a very enticing approach.

“Best Before is a reflective indie gem embellished by a smooth production.”

Like every good storyteller, Sivilian’s most valuable weapon lies within his impeccable songwriting, as evidenced in Best Before. Even if you have never experienced similar events or circumstances to the ones portrayed here, you still feel in the shoes of the protagonist, making this composition stand out as one of Sivilian’s most significant works to date.

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Words Javier Rodriguez