Home New Music Naga Brujo – Heavy Sound, Serious Message ‘Black Magick’

Naga Brujo – Heavy Sound, Serious Message ‘Black Magick’

Naga Brujo, a punk/heavy rock band hailing from Austin, Texas, consisting of Asia Reigns (vocals), Jake Mumps (guitar), Jacob Ray (bass) and Dylan (drums), makes use of their gritty, unfiltered sound to discuss topics such as gender struggles, widespread pessimism and the post-capitalist world. 

Naga Brujo – Black Magick

Our current world is shrouded in darkness, with climate disaster, war and economic crisis being the driving forces behind such an unfavourable scenario. And it is in this unfortunate context that Naga Brujo seek to shed light on these and other issues that afflict humanity.

Originally founded in 2013, Naga Brujo unleashed their debut full-length album in 2020 and have been making an impact on the local independent scene with their high-energy live performances and uncompromising attitude. Setting up the release of the new EP ‘Canceled’ early next year, the band has just released their Halloween-inspired new single: ‘Black Magick’. 

“Black Magick is an abrasive rock number, packed with muscular riffs and intense vocals.” 

Starting off with massive, distorted guitar riffs, a thick bass sound and a mid-tempo, heavy on drum fills groove, the song progresses with Reign’s vocal gaining intensity before the whole thing comes crashing down at just under the 2-minute mark. Then, the song enters the realm of Black Sabbath-esque doom metal, with a slow, menacing trudge coming into play and establishing utter dominance. As for its final act, though, the song lays apart the doomy slowness and picks up the tempo for a blistering, high-speed punk rock climax. 

‘Black Magick’ follows in the footsteps of the blazing, punk rock assault of the previous single ‘Sick Sad World’ and sets the tone for both the upcoming EP and Naga Brujo’s sound for the next years. Stay tuned for their next releases as some high-quality, caustic rock and roll can always help in exorcising inner demons during troubled times.  

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Words Fidel Beserra