Home Music Video Realma The Self-Reflective Adventures of ‘Ashgrey Butterfly’

Realma The Self-Reflective Adventures of ‘Ashgrey Butterfly’

In “Ashgrey Butterfly” Realma draws before us the amazing nostalgic world of childhood, sharing with us her beautiful, tearing it away from the painful.

Realma – Ashgrey Butterfly

Let’s be honest, all of us surprisingly quickly matured, grew old and puffed out our cheeks from resentment at the injustice of the world that we built with our own hands. However, how long can one exist with such an approach to life? Is there really not a single particle of something bright, perhaps even naive and charming? In the songs we talk all the time about something adult, noir, because of which we drown ourselves in alcohol and smoke cigarette after cigarette. Isn’t it time to take a break from all this for a while and go back to childhood, when everything was so beautiful?

Ashgrey Butterfly is an amazing work at the intersection of something cartoony-thoughtless and meaningful. While the instruments, elegant in sound and possessing their expensive charm, play tag with each other, pouring from one to another, Realma, in a thin and transparent voice, almost whispers to us the words, as if sacred to her: “Have you ever felt like a puzzle piece, misplaced into the wrong box?”. She pronounces them intimately, but very confidently and fluently, as if tearing them away from herself, releasing them afloat. The music does not interrupt or interfere with this confession, sublimely and rhythmically leading the listener through this story.

“It’s an interesting song, since it emanates a kind of Disney vibe, especially in my instrumentation and singing style, yet there is also a bit of that teen-witchy 90s Charmed aura.”

Her lyrical heroine, portrayed in the music video as a fair-haired and shy fairy, is a unique but grotesque personality, seeking acceptance among others who are more expressive and looking only for colours, trying to harmonize with them, but only meeting rejection from herself. At the end of the video, the supreme fairy blesses the “ugly duckling” with her light, turning the previously inconspicuous girl into a beautiful and artsy swan, which now drowns out the buzzing of bees with its beauty. After all, monochrome colours can also be beautiful, can’t they?

It is impossible not to say a word about the music video itself, made in vintage Disney style by a truly talented and sensitive artist – Mihajlo Dragaš. The embodied story in the video, along with watercolour and ink stylistic moves, makes this song magical and symbolic. However, even apart from the video sequence, ‘Ashgrey Butterfly’ can not only enchant the listener, but also give them strength for new achievements, what we are really missing.

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Words: Otis Cohan Mone