Home New Music Jesse Brady is feeling ‘Conflicted’

Jesse Brady is feeling ‘Conflicted’

Jesse Brady combines elements of tranquillity, charisma and relatability on this addictive pop track.

Jesse Brady – Conflicted

Are you familiar with that feeling of uncertainty, where the consequences of choosing your heart or your mind are so ambiguous that you can’t even begin to make such a crucial decision? Well, Florida born singer-songwriter Jesse Brady has captured that feeling perfectly with her upcoming single ‘Conflicted’, which is set to be released on February 25th.

After a short upbeat intro that foreshadows the fascinating atmosphere of ‘Conflicted’, we are presented with a somewhat metaphorical verse through lyrics of symbolism: “No number of stitches could repair the damage done”. These words encourage us as listeners to see mental pain a little differently and therefore take it more seriously.

During the compelling quick-tempo chorus, Jesse sings us the wise words of her grandmother who inspired her to write the song. When describing the process of ‘Conflicted’ and the impact her grandmother had on the story behind it, Brady said “Leave it to my grandma to take my attention off my worries and catapult me back into my favourite place; writing music.” In fact, this isn’t the first time the singer has mentioned her beloved grandmother in one of her songs. In her upbeat track ‘Transformations‘ which was released in February 2021, Jesse tells us a short anecdote encircling her life.

To bring this embodiment of equivocacy and relatable personification of sentiments to an end, Jesse Brady conducts an outro that could easily be a Taylor Swift outro, surrounded by angelic high notes and a slower tempo to signal that the chaos of the narrator’s mind has tranquillised, and implying that things have started to fall into place.

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Words Francoise Maurer