Home New Music Ten Fields take flight on latest single Butterfly

Ten Fields take flight on latest single Butterfly

Butterfly is a soothing and emotional track worthy of praise. The melodic experts, Ten Fields, is a band proving that loud guitars and abrasive vocals aren’t everything.

Ten Fields – Butterfly

They’re an act matching up to bands such as The War On Drugs, and other bands which have the power to inspire with well-tuned, but subtle contributions. And Butterfly coherently pushes the bar up when it comes to melody and emotions, with delicate vocals and lyrics interwoven. Ten Fields, as a collective, play from the heart, and it shows on Butterfly.

The gracious piano work floods in, and it’s a joy to listen to. The vocal work builds up like waves, and the majestic notes and tones have been interweaved perfectly. The drumbeat delivers a stroke of purpose and diversity, pushing the song to the desired effect. It’s a sad song, one that, if possible, would drip with tears, and would control the incoming force of stricken fears.

Beautiful and composed with a genuine resolution, Butterfly isn’t a blot on the scene, it’s a sensational, calming, but meaningful track. It truly shines, even when the darkness wants to shroud it out, and those moments of tenderness are joyous. And by driving the melody to its limits, the band has not only created a flow of memorable sounds, but they’ve also designed their own template, which, in truth, should be applauded. Originality means pushing yourself and breaking boundaries, and it’s safe to say, Ten Fields has done that with their beautiful, harmonic sensation.

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Words Mark McConville