Home New Music Come to Luke Is Tired’s ‘Halloween Party’

Come to Luke Is Tired’s ‘Halloween Party’

Luke Is Tired nails his confessional indie pop.

luke is tired – halloween party

Hands up if you’ve ever thrown a party and nobody came! If you have, you’ll know it becomes a sickening core memory that never leaves you. (I still get anxious around New Year’s!) Whether it’s based on real experience or not, luke is tired manages to channel this into a beautiful piece of storytelling. 

luke is tired is of self-described ‘sleepy boy’ Luke, born and based in London. Writing and producing all this music, this track marks the beginning of a new release cycle.

‘halloween party’ is a compelling piece of indie pop conveying all-too-real emotions, as well as some unexpected musical turns.

The well-crafted confessional lyrics create a narrative that keeps us engaged throughout, starting with the eponymous Halloween party which got Luke ‘kind of excited to dress up’, but only one friend showed and ‘stayed for half an hour’. Wry lines like ‘The wall is my best friend, it’s the only one that holds me up’ are memorable, and the chorus opening with ‘It’s so embarrassing, how this shit never changes’ is instantly catchy. The melodies are deceptively subtle yet memorable, and delivered in compelling and clear lead vocals, maintaining the storytelling. 

The production begins with flickering synths and mellow guitar picking, including some unexpected and pleasing harmonic moments. The second chorus breaks into full pop-punk mode with crashing guitars, the changes in feel keeping the track fresh. Fans of confessional modern artists like Dodie and Orla Gartland, as well as fans of pop-punk acts like Fall Out Boy will find something that lands perfectly in the middle here. 

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Words Eden Tredwell