Home New Music HCK9 embody ‘Vincent Price’ with their huge electronica-rock sound

HCK9 embody ‘Vincent Price’ with their huge electronica-rock sound

Everyone loves a good villain. We might boo and hiss at them, but we also know that they get the best outfits and songs. There’s something so vicariously satisfying about watching someone revel in evil, and it’s this gleeful self-indulgence that HCK9 tap into on their release ‘Vincent Price’ – a nod to the famously campy horror actor.

HCK9 – Vincent Price

HCK9 are an alt-rock/electronica project with a dystopian twist and a penchant for a bit of gore.

“Vincent Price is a stomping, grungy anthem about self-victimisation – perhaps intended as a warning, but dammit, if they don’t make it sound fun.”

HCK9 show us the perverse joy of giving in to your own demons, with sharp lyrics like ‘I look pretty good in a backlight’. Frontman James Brown delivers with charismatic vocals, revelling in the spirit of it.

The label of ‘alt rock’ might put off a few pop-minded listeners, but this is an incredibly accessible track. The moody guitars and shuddering beats are balanced out with an electronic edge and touches of distortion. And there’s a clear skill in their simple yet crafted melodies, building to a hugely catchy, shout-along chorus. It’s a fantastic offering from a relatively new band with a few releases under their belt, yet who have already made their way onto a few playlists and gathered some streaming numbers. If they can keep the standard up, there should be a bright future for HCK9.

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Words Eden Tredwell