Home Band Of The Week Band of The Week. Remedies

Band of The Week. Remedies

Remedies describe themselves as an experimental psych-pop band, and frankly we’re glad for the descriptor! on first listen we knew two things. Firstly this was very, very good and secondly we had no idea how to describe it. But it’s far too easy to get hung up on genres and filling music away into neat boxes, sometimes it’s fun to just forget all that stuff and enjoy the music.

As you listen to Remedies you’ll hear influences as diverse as early REM, and dream pop bands like DIV and Wild Nothing. During ‘Violence’ you half expect to hear a sample from Tupac’s California Love while the orchestral feel of ‘Time’ recalls the pomp of The Verve’s Bitter Sweet Symphony.

It’s hard to claim to be ‘unique’ in music with so many influences, but the packaging and fusion of diverse sounds really does give Remedies a claim and even if this isn’t unique it’s definitely very interesting, and maybe that is more important. Let’s face it, when you turn on the radio it’s very rare to hear interesting music.

Remedies formed in Birmingham, Alabama in April 2012 and released the Every Gorilla EP in August 2012, then released the Inanimate EP in July 2013. Believers is their first full length album, and it’s available for free download via their BandCamp page.

As their name suggests, Remedies provide the perfect antidote to the bland and unimaginative, you need this in your life.