Home New Music Strange Souvenirs charm us with Beaches

Strange Souvenirs charm us with Beaches

There is a marriage of subtlety and sadness here. Beaches by Strange Souvenirs doesn’t soar but commits to melancholy and low-key vocals.

Strange Souvenirs – Beaches

It is in fact, a solemn song, pushing this duo to the forefront of their own thoughts and feelings. Not a typical track, it has that enigmatic feel, that undercurrent of surprise. This duo knows how to write meaningful, lyrically majestic songs which have that element of poignancy rippling through.

Beaches isn’t a track that goes overboard either, it soothes with its acoustics and flair. It’s one of those songs which will make the listener reflect, too, on their trials and tribulations. It’s poetic also, and the duo has searched for the perfect note and for solace. And they have found those and more, injecting what they feel and know into the song.

Hope doesn’t come to any danger on Beaches. It’s a delicate, well-rounded track fully weaved with tender notes. The vocals are quietly instilled and the instrumentals carry the song through the lyrical charge. It’s not a heavy track by any means, but it’s a different one, and it’s an original one, perfected by a duo on the cusp of making it through the harshness of the music industry unscathed.

Being unique is fundamental, and being resolute has become mandatory, and Strange Souvenirs are equipped to stand the test, with this unconventional song as their token of brilliance. They’re a duo writing songs with urgency and a little quirkiness too, and truthfully, not many acts are doing this.

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Words Mark McConville