Home New Music First Frontier ‘Insist’ provides a refreshing take on love

First Frontier ‘Insist’ provides a refreshing take on love

If you are tired of overdone love songs, boy meets girl, girl completes boy, then First Frontier’s refreshing take on what love really looks like is just for you.

First Frontier – INSIST

“Insist”, is a mid-tempo track, that right away brings an easy to listen to groove. It’s got a beautiful mix of gritty guitar tones, laid back drums, and easy to sing vocal melodies. They call their sound “neo-garage, post-punk, and rock”, but don’t let that put their music in a box. Their previous works span from aggressive punk to modern rock and now with “Insist” they come to a softer rock sound. However, with “Insist” the lyrics are where our attention is pulled straight towards.

First Frontier pride themselves on creating joy through music while observing the intricacies of society around them. And they did just that with “Insist”. Too often we hear love songs that give us an unrealistic expectation of what love is. We grow up with stories such as “Romeo and Juliet” and think that that’s what love should be. First Frontier did an amazing job at breaking those stereotypes and revealing what love actually is. They illustrate the messy and inglorious side of ourselves as humans and the strength that love can have in those situations.

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Words Devin Renee