Home New Music Alys is confident and catchy with debut single ‘Stalker’

Alys is confident and catchy with debut single ‘Stalker’

‘Tonight, I’m feeling brave’, croons Alys on her new single ‘Stalker’. I must admit I blinked a little at that title, but Alys manages to pull it off. Not everyone would have the shameless confidence to label themselves a stalker, but she leans into the ‘crazy-girl’ label with glee. (The song isn’t literally about being a stalker, I should mention, it’s just about liking someone so much that you feel like a stalker. Ok?)

Alys – Stalker

Having built an audience on TikTok, and spent some time building up a repertoire of covers and originals, Alys struts confidently onto the scene with this debut single.

‘Stalker’ is a bouncy pop tune with an intense edge and an instantly danceable factor.

With the dancehall beat and Alys’ cool delivery, Zara Larsson and Dua Lipa come straight to mind, not least because the producers of ‘Stalker’ at Numen Studios have worked with all three! The slick production has a pleasingly familiar flow, with a little electronic flavour thrown in.

Alys’ vocals are the crowd-pleaser on this track – smooth, bold, and radio-ready. It glides over the bouncy melodies effortlessly, even treating us to a few runs and riffs for good measure. They’re also made use of well with the distorted, delayed backing vocals echoing through. The stalker theme is kept up playfully through the lyrics too – ‘What’s your motive?’ purrs Alys in the verse. With the promise of a Cluedo-themed music video to shortly follow this single release, it’s clear that Alys is having a whole lot of fun, and I’m sure her listeners will too.

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Words Eden Tredwell