Home New Music Kamora look for The Answer to mental health struggles

Kamora look for The Answer to mental health struggles

Kamora tells a hopeful story of recovery in their latest memorable and uplifting indie-rock single ‘The Answer’.

Kamora – The Answer

Hailing from Glasgow and with the band’s sound stemming from their interest in a variety of music genres, Kamora has been blossoming onto the indie-rock scene. Their latest release ‘The Answer’ toys with the profound subject matter of recovering from mental health struggles and addiction, which is conveyed in a heartfelt manner.

In short, ‘The Answer’ is motivational and uplifting through its upbeat and rhythmic sound. The track layers well with the influences of different genres rippling throughout the different instruments to produce a melodic single which piques your interest. The Answer has a way of sticking with you after listening to it, not only is it catchy and a pleasure to listen to, you come away feeling a sense of optimism.

‘The Answer’ vividly delivers on a brave and empowering look at recovery

The verses are stripped back with the melodic ripples flowing subtly throughout, with the chorus taking it up a notch in a natural transition between the two. As the track approaches the end, Kamora steadily increases the beat for a punchy finish. There are strong performances across the board with Kamora delivering the track in a manner where it can be easily enjoyed by indie-rock fanatics and also those looking to branch into something new.

‘The Answer’ follows Kamora’s previous successful single ‘Incomplete’.

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Words Holly Hammond