Home New Music Introducing Soundkicker. The ‘Main Stream’ For Independent Music

Introducing Soundkicker. The ‘Main Stream’ For Independent Music

As we all know, there are tons of amazing independent artists out there that are waiting to be discovered. Now there is a dedicated platform to help you find them. If you love discovering new music as much as we do, head over to Soundkicker. The site was created by Jimmy Sbarra and Brock Gleeson, completely unfunded, to support independent musicians and allow them to be heard by users all over the world. 

Soundkicker’s music library consists of thousands of bands from every imaginable genre. Listeners can “like” songs, create customized stations, share songs and artists with friends, buy music, and even make money by sharing music with friends. Soundkicker.com works similarly to Pandora but features only independent artists. Go discover, share and support independent music. To get you in the mood here are a couple of artists we discovered on Soundkicker.



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