Home New Music Indie sunshine with Tomemitsu’s ‘Same Mistakes’

Indie sunshine with Tomemitsu’s ‘Same Mistakes’

A supposed definition of madness is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. In which case, everyone is a little bit mad, or else stupidly optimistic. Haven’t we all dated that guy again, had that conversation again, even tried cutting our own hair again, thinking ‘This time it’ll be different?’ It’s a slightly unusual topic for a song, but a relatable one, and this is what Tomemitsu touches on in ‘Same Mistakes’.

Tomemitsu ‘Same Mistakes’

‘Same Mistakes’ comes from LA songwriter Tomemitsu’s upcoming LP ‘Sun’, an appropriate title for his strumming, golden-hour sound. It also has the added bonus of featuring multiple guest artists, with this track featuring Chicago musician V.V Lightbody on vocals and flute. Her vocals, and those of Tomemitsu a.k.a Martin Roark, mesh particularly sweetly together.

‘Same Mistakes’ is a dreamy, low-key indie pop gem, with hints of sunshine psychedelia. ‘

In the same place and you know you want the same things’, sighs Roark in faraway tones. It’s a highly listenable track, with perfectly constructed falling melodies, perfect for a long drive or lazy afternoon.

The twanging guitars and gentle echoes are reminiscent of both 90s grunge and 70s singer-songwriters. Lightbody’s arpeggiated flute contributions also add some unexpected colour to the track, a welcome addition that saves it from being too predictable. With tracks featured on TV shows, Tomemitsu is clearly on his way. Anyone looking for something new indie tunes to play when the sun’s out should look out for ‘Same Mistakes’ and the upcoming album.

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Words Eden Tredwell