Home New Music Emma Dark Announces Herself To The World With Dinner Time

Emma Dark Announces Herself To The World With Dinner Time

Dinner Time is Emma Dark’s debut single. Inspired by the likes of MCR, Oasis, Pink Floyd, and Aurora, Dinner Time is punchy, energetic and completely infectious.

Introducing Emma Dark

Emma Dark is an alternative rock singer-songwriter whose music first found inspiration in the children’s poem, “The Spider And The Fly”. Emma’s music is bold and animated. Her lyrics are enticing and create a world which complex characters occupy.

At the age of thirteen, Emma joined a small group guitar class where she discovered her ear for melody and her talent for writing vocal lines with her first three chords. After difficulties at school and her choir group, Emma began to write music alone in her bedroom as a way of healing from painful experiences. She writes, “the great thing about writing my own music was nobody could tell me I couldn’t sing it. I could, also, sing whatever I wanted”.

In her first ever talent show, Emma sang about her experience of feeling judged by others in her song, “Red Eyes”. After that, songs kept coming to her and in just three years, she had recorded over thirty songs on her phone.

Dinner Time explores relatable themes of identity and loneliness, but in a way that makes you want to jump up onto your feet. Dinner Time is one you’ll want to listen to over and over again.

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Words Rachel Makinson